We're sorry to see you go! Keep in mind that if you close your account, you won’t be able to download resources any longer, even the ones you’ve already paid for.
If you’d just like to turn off your notifications, you can do so by clicking “Email Preferences” from the “My Account” section of your profile, and unsubscribing from any emails you prefer not to receive.
If you’d still like to cancel your account, please follow the steps below:
- Click on your profile icon at the top right and click on “My Account."
- Click the “Edit” button at the bottom of the page.
- Scroll down to the bottom and click “Close My Account Now” and press “OK.”
If you want to reactivate your account in the future, you can simply log in on the TPT site and your account will be reactivated.
If you're looking to exercise your rights under applicable data privacy laws, you can do so via our Privacy Center: