If you've typed your username and password into the fields on the log in page but are still having trouble, there are several things to look out for:
- If you have more than one email address, it's possible that a different email address is associated with your account. Are there any other email addresses you may have used to create your account?
- Be sure that you are using the correct uppercase and lowercase characters for your password.
- If you're signing in on a mobile device or tablet, the first character in a field is usually defaulted to uppercase. Please be sure to use a lowercase character if need be.
- Be careful not to add extra spaces, especially if you're copying and pasting your login information from somewhere.
- If you have more than one account, check that you aren't mixing up the usernames and passwords.
- If all of your information is correct and you still can't log in, it’s possible that your antivirus software’s security settings may be set too high. One way to test this is to try logging in from a different computer.
- Check with your network administrator or tech support to see if there's a firewall set up by your school that blocks the use of outside sites. If there is, you may want to log in from a different computer, outside of school.
If you’re unable to log in because you’ve forgotten your username or password, click here to read about how to reset those.
If you're still unable to log in to TPT, please contact our support team.