If you don’t have an account, please:
- Visit the TPT account “Signup” page.
- Click the “Join Now” button on either the Basic or Premium Seller option. For more information about each Seller account, view the FAQ here. Follow the instructions to confirm your account information, then click "Continue" to go to PayPal and proceed with payment.
To upgrade from a Buyer to a Basic Seller, please:
- First, log in to your account.
- Click the link here to access the Basic Seller upgrade page.
- Follow the instructions to confirm your account information, then click "Continue" to go to PayPal and proceed with payment.
Note: The non-refundable one-time fee of $29 USD to become a Basic Seller cannot be applied towards a Premium Seller subscription if you decide to upgrade at a later date.
To upgrade from a Buyer to a Premium Seller, please:
- First, log in to your account.
- Click the link here to access the Premium Seller upgrade page.
- Follow the instructions to confirm your account information, then click "Continue" to go to PayPal and proceed with payment.
To upgrade from a Basic Seller to a Premium Seller, please:
- Log into your account, then click on your profile icon on the top right corner of the page.
- From the dropdown menu, click "My Account."
- Select "Store Profile" from the left sidebar.
- Click Upgrade now in the box at the bottom left of the page.
- Follow the instructions to confirm your age and update your email preferences, then click "Continue" to go to PayPal and proceed with payment.