If your resource has been removed because of a copyright or trademark complaint, you might find other resources like yours that haven’t been taken down. We understand that’s confusing and may feel unfair, so we’re happy to give some context.
As the host of a marketplace, TPT follows the legal process outlined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). When a copyright or trademark owner sends us a notice claiming infringement, they have to identify the content by listing specific URLs of the TPT resources they claim are infringing.
To comply with the law, we remove only the resources listed in the notice. So, if a resource hasn’t been removed, that means the copyright or trademark owner probably didn’t identify that resource as infringing and didn’t include it in their notice. TPT doesn’t have much discretion in these situations, and we aren’t able to make judgment calls on behalf of copyright owners.
There are also lots of reasons that someone else’s use of the same or similar content may be acceptable, such as licensing or fair use. And the truth of the matter is that copyright and trademark issues are super complicated. Often there are no clear answers, and it can be almost impossible for anyone other than the copyright or trademark owner to identify something as infringing.
For more information on copyright and trademark topics, check out our Copyright & Trademark section in TPT U, and consider taking our Copyright & Trademark Quiz!